Friday, August 3, 2018

components of computer full tutorial|

Hardware components and ICs

the microprocessor and other LSIs togather cannot build a complete PC . addition to these , we also need a good number of ics of SSI and MSI . a discussion of these ICs is the primary objective of this chapter. as a preparation forthe reader a review of the relevant concepts of digital electronics and integrated circuits is presented . it is imposible to cover all the aspects in detail, theobjective is to present essential topics in simple terms.


the word 'circuit' means a path something follows that goes back to where it started. in an electrical or electronic circuit, the thing following the path is of course electricity. whatever work it does and whatever components it must go through on the way. the 'circuit' just means there is a complete path back to the starting point. the word 'circuitry' means the components, and the connections between them, that make up the path . Its as simple as that. in a computer, this word 'circuit' shows up in a couple of places. most of the components will be found soldered to a circuit board  also called  a printed circuit board this is a thin board of fiberglass, with the connections between components printed right on the board in copper
circuits  are made up of different electronic components (capacitors, resistors , transistors, etc)wired together in a manner that performs a specific electronic function. these components are hooked together on fiberglass boards called circuit boards. the small thin copper or metal lines (wires) on a circuit board that connect the different components together. these are called traces

Pulse circuits and wave forms

the main functions of pulse circuits are as follows:
  1. generation of pulse waveforms.
  2. amplification of pulse waveforms.
  3. shaping of pulse waveforms.
  4. storage of digital information. 
  5. gating

Hardware components:Discrete and integrated

The different hardware components used in PC are shown below. the integrated circuit chip is a single package consisting of more than forming a circuit.
in short, IC means a circuit fabricated on a piece of semiconductor meterial. there are variety of IC chips each one offering a different function such as  AND,OR,INVERT,NAND,NOR etc IC's offering such basic functions are know as  GATES or LOGIC GATES. 
A gate is defined as a logic circuit with one or more input lines but only one uotput line. A single IC  may also contain multiple gates of the same type. An  IC  may contain a complex circuit forem by gate.

Classification of IC's:  

IC's are classified into SSI, MSI,LSI  and VLSI  according to the relative number of basic gate necessary to build a circuit to achieve the same logic function.

Integrated components 

IC is a staple of the electronic components industry. befor its invention. transitors were already smaller than their vaccum tube forefathers, but designers still designed smaller electronic switches . for some time people had been thinking that it would be a good idea it to be able to fabricate entire circuits on a single piece of semiconductor 

Integrated circuits (IC) are usually referred to as chips. inside them is a tiny piece of semiconductor (usually silicon) with large circuits built in.
if you could find an old 7 or 10-transistor radio from the sixties, you could open it up and see the peanut sized transistors  on the circuit board. they looked like little water towers with their 3 legs going down to the circuit board where they were soldered in place. now, imagine that circuit board and all of its transistors. the entire circuit would be integrated into that one small chip. hence the name, integrated circuit(IC)
 with today's technology, these circuits and transistors can be etched into small wafers of silicon and sandwiched into a small plastic package or chip. there are small metal pins coming out of the chip that are connected to the silicon wafer inside with microscopic wiring. the most amazing thing is. today;s small integrated circuits now contain milicons of transistors, not just 7 or 10. these IC  chips are then placed on a circuit board connecting then to other components and IC chips
the components themselves are often something called on an integrated circuit, abbreviated IC .to integrate means to combine things together, so an integrated circuit id one that combines many circuits into the same part. these are formed on a thin wafer or chip of silicon, and you will sometimes hear an IC  being called a chip this is also where we get the name silicon valley for the area in central californal where many of them are made.
this chip of silicon is put into a case with metal legs and tiny wires between the wafer and the legs connect those circuits with the outside word. there are now  IC's containing millions of transistors and other components, all in a package tha will fit in your palm with lots of room to spare. a small piece of silicon containing millions of tiny electronic components. the tremendous miniaturization inside chip makes today's personal computers possible. also called an  integrated circuit ( IC) two common  types of chips are CPU  and RAM 
so integrated circuits or ICs as they have been know in the industry came into being in the 1950s. Its revolutionary  creation would pave way to the modern computer and it has become an industry that's worth 1 trillion dollars. one technology for  producing ICs is called  TT (Transistor Teansistor Logic ) .  These chips are actually more, use more electricity or power , and their resistance causes them to run very hot. as computer technology advanced and the number of transistors in the chips increased, heat and power consumption become a huge problem.
 TTL ICs  are still used in computers today, but the newer  CMOS  chips ( complimentary Metal-Oxide semiconductor) have all but replaced them entirely these chips have a semi-conductive metal oxide layer that allows for less resistance, reducing the power consumption and the generated heat. Unfortunately the very technology that makes these CMOS chips more efficient also makes them very susceptible to electrostatic discharge. there are different types and sizes of integrated circuits. take a look at your motherboard, or any of the expansion cards installed on it and see if you can identify some of the ICs that are mounted on the board. dual inline package the dual inline package or DIP  is rectangular in shape with two rows of pins coming from it . one row on each side. some of the early central processing units were DIPs however now the're most commonly used as memory chips.
Single inline package (SIP) The PGA  chip is a flat, square chip with an array of pins underneath. it is most commonly used as a processor chip and can contain millions of transistors. early sockets for the PGA  were friction fit' and you had to be careful not bend pins when the chip was inserted or removed. now, these chips fit into ZIP  sockets. zero insertion force sockets have a handle that releases the pins on the chip for easy insrtion or removal. another  type of PGA  chip is the  SPGA  (staggered pin grid array). the PGA  chip has evenly spaced rows of pins underneath, whereas the spga   has its rows staggered .
there are millions of different integrated circuits. the general types of integrated circuits include:  

logic circuits-these ICs are basically decision makers, most contain logic gate circuits, (logic gate will be discussed in a later section).

comparators- THESE icS compare inputs and give an output. 

operational amplifiers-these are amplifiers. works very much like transistor amplifier circuits. 

Audio amplifiers - these are used to amplify audio.

Times-these are counting ICs used for circuits that counts or needs to keep track of time.

Switches-Switching ICs are also very much like the switching circuits of transistors.

other-There are thousands of other types.  A lot of ICs are made for a special purpose like digital sound recording. most ICs come with printout information and how to use it. if not , you will need one of those large reference books that have information on most of the ICs. 

Some Advance Tips
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