Sunday, July 15, 2018

introduction to digital concept |and introduction to analog concept

introduction to digita

Electronic circuits can be divided into two broad categories,digital and electronics involves quantities with discrete values,and analog electronics involves quantities with continuous values.
An analog quantities is one having continuous values. A digital quantity is one having a discrete set of values. most things that can be measured quantitatively appear in nature in analog form. for example, the air temperature changes over a continuous range of values. during a given day , the temperature does not go from, say,70 degree to 10 degree instantaneously;

it takes on all the infinite values in between. if you graphed the temperature on typical summer day, you would have a smooth, continuous curve similar to the curve. other examples of analog quantities are time,pressure distance and sound

suppose, you just take a temperature reading every hour. now, you have sampled values representing the temperature at discrete points in time over a 24-hour period, as indicated . you have effectively converted an analog quantity to a form that can now be digital by representing each sample value by a digital code.

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